
Facebook Update: Fundraiser Pages for Nonprofit Donations

The newest feature to Facebook (as of Wednesday): dedicated donation pages called “Fundraisers.”

image: Facebook

Defining Facebook’s Fundraiser Pages:

These fundraiser pages for nonprofit donations will not only encourage donations, but also will see them through in just a few clicks. This comes just a couple months after launching the Social Good team (the leaders of Facebook’s nonprofit and charity efforts) as well as promoting their feature for nonprofits’ Facebook pages, the “Donate Now” call to action.

These function similarly to event pages in that they revolve around one specific event, and in this case, a fundraiser. The nonprofit can describe their campaign and then donors can give their money right on that page. Like event pages, the nonprofit and Facebook users can invite people to join the cause.

Other exciting features:

  • The page includes a progress bar on the top, emphasizing the progress thus far.
  • If a donor or other user shares this page on the Facebook News Feed, the new Donate CTA button will be included, making it even easier to join the cause right from the shared post.
  • The page can be easily updated, providing the nonprofit a space to post new photos and videos, update donors, and spur engaging discussions – all of which are focused on the one campaign.
image: Facebook

For more on the details of this feature, you can select “request more info” on Charitable Giving on Facebook.

Nonprofits that are testing the feature:

Partner organizations Mercy Corps, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and World Wildlife Fund have live pages (since Wednesday). This will expand to 37 more Facebook partner organizations as we approach the Holiday Season including charity: water, (RED), and

Reasoning behind the feature:

When asked about the focus on nonprofits and the debut of this feature, head of the Social Good team Naomi Gleit pointed to how they have “seen from our community that when people take action, lives are changed. We know we can do more to enable these connections” (

For advice on how to best set up your next campaign and optimize your page, contact ArcStone!