Olympics + your nonprofit – August Nonprofit Marketing News

With so much focus on fundraising in the nonprofit world, we often forget to reflect on what to do before we ask for money. This post, “Nonprofit marketing isn’t all about the ask” with thoughts from Gary Vaynerchuk, may help you reassess your messaging goals.

More on what we found important to nonprofit marketers this month:

– The Nerdy Nonprofit – August 2016 – 

Fundraising: 3 Ways Nonprofit Board Members Can Tell Stories & Raise Money

From the Storytelling Nonprofit

It’s hard for board members to constantly try to raise money, so the more direction you can give, the better. [Read More]nonprofit-marketing-news

Social Media: What wording should your nonprofit use for LinkedIn vs. Google+? When? What format?

Infographic from MyCleverAgency

 A nonprofit’s guide to social media posts. [Read More]

Facebook: Even when your board doesn’t know it, building a Facebook community is worthwhile

Success story from Presbyterian Homes & Services

How their determination to focus on Facebook is paying off. [Read More]

Inspiration: Good Advice from Good People (for good nonprofit workers like you)

Thoughts from Olympians

How to crush self doubt. [Read More]

Inside ArcStone: ArcStonian Office Olympics

With our top office athletes + Nick’s video footage

Spoiler Alert: We will win the gold [Watch ArcStone Archery here]
