Facebook for Nonprofits – A Huge Helping Hand from Your Facebook Friend

Whether you’re just getting started with your nonprofit’s use of social media, diving deeper into raising awareness, or simply trying to raise funds, Facebook wants to be there for you. They recently launched “Facebook for Nonprofits” as a website to guide this effort. We want to do a quick recap to make sure you don’t miss any of the ways this social media giant can help your effort.


How Facebook is Helping Nonprofits

Similar to any organization/company’s page, a nonprofit Facebook page is different than a personal page. It’s set up more like a website, with sections such as About Us, Reviews, and Events. Take a look at an example with Ashoka’s Facebook Page.


Through the Facebook for Nonprofits website, they walk you through numerous aspects of a successful social media presence including:

1. Page set up: Their guide includes page creation, categorization, details you should be sure to include, and the best ways to manage it all.

2. Managing admins & using your resources: There are several features you can personalize such as…

a) How often you’re notified about page activity

b) Scheduling tools for your posts

c) Administrative access options if you have a larger team with various users

Photo Source: Facebook for Nonprofits

3. Getting social media savvy: They include SO many details on enhancing your page, each post and each event you create on the page. This includes:

a) Photo and optimization tips

b) Page analytics and how to best monitor them

Photo Credit: Facebook for Nonprofits

c) Slightly lesser known tips like how to pin or promote a post

d) Getting your users to promote your page for you

e) Setting up a full on campaign strategy! Targeting your audience strategically is often hard for nonprofits to do since it can take so much time. Facebook makes it simple.


4. Increasing engagement from your followers and beyond: This takes your page to the next level – it’s not just a stagnant page for people to come to for reference, but rather serves as another hand in the field, fully engaging with others. They point to ways to…

a) Grab your followers’ attention with posts and through targetting the right audience

b) Create effective Facebook Ads to show up in more feeds

c) Use Facebook as a means to having people post their own efforts and launch peer to peer fundraisers

d) Launch a fundraising campaign

Photo source: Facebook for Nonprofits

As you can see, Facebook has friend requested you, and all you have to do is check it out! If you’d like to talk to a social media strategist on how to use Facebook as a nonprofit, contact our team at ArcStone.